Monday, March 21, 2011

3 Things Monday

Well, hello, Monday! You came way too quickly.

Banana stickers make great forehead decorations. ;)

Strawberries are starting to come back in season

Spring is on it's way!! Everything is melting, turning to slush, and green is starting to pop through! :D (More photos to come soon!)

Bowl, Baby, Bowl

Bowling is not one of the things I'm good at. I usually bowl with bumpers, and this time, we were on the side of the alley without bumpers. So I had to tough it out and put my big girl pants on. ;) The first game we played, I didn't do too bad, with a score of 80 something. The second game, however, I hurt my finger and ended up with only 34. Anyways... while I waited for my turn, I tried to get a couple shots in:

How was everybody's weekend? Did you do anything exciting? :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

3 Things Monday

1. Me and my little brother. He can get rather annoying, but he's still my brother, and I love him. :)

2. My Bible. Some good stuff right there!

3. Ice cream. My personal favorite dairy item. :) haha

Happy Monday!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Piece of History

My Dad inherited this vintage Victrola from his grandparents, my great-grandparents. He's originally from out east, and the family cabin is called "camp". So we found this cool piece in one of the old sheds at camp.

This is the front part that covers the speaker.

Don't you love the dust? ;)

It still actually plays music. It's fun to waltz around with my dad while it plays. :)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Maria and Daisy

Maria from First Impressions (one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world whose blog you really, really, really should go check out) came to spend the whole weekend with me. :) Among watching 10 hours of Jane Austen movies, laughing hysterically about our silly inside jokes, and looking at wedding dresses just because, we had a little photo shoot. Here are a few of the shots we got:

Story with these glasses: These were my Mother's glasses back in 1983. If you had a pair of Sophia Loren glasses with a heart in the corner, you were so cool. :)
My nose looks really big in this picture, but I really like this.

Maria, my love. <3

She is beautiful, is she not?!

Cool story with the suitcases. I had just been thinking how cool it would be to have some vintage suitcases, and then we went to this garage sale, and they had two of them for $0.50 each. So I grabbed them as fast as I could and now I have cool props. :)

The other suitcase :)

I love her. :)

 Thanks again, Maria for braving the -4 below weather with me, being the best sister ever, and letting me spend a weekend with you. I love you and I thank God for giving me such a great friend.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Messin' Around

Yesterday was kind of a crazy day, but I managed to get in some shots of some random things around my room while I was suppose to be cleaning. :)

This reminds me of some 80's photo.

Coke <3

This was a cute little Valentine that I got from this adorable little girl and I thought it would make a cute photo.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Valentine's Day

In my family, we have a tradition where we dress up and have a fancy dinner on Valentine's Day. Here are some pictures I got from that night:

Some of my favorite flowers I got from my Mom and Dad.
We dipped strawberries and pretzels in chocolate.

Can you tell Wesley enjoyed them? :)
Just some of the reasons why I love Valentine's Day. :) What are you favorite things to do for Valentine's Day?

Monday, February 14, 2011


So, a blog a enjoy reading very much ( is having a Valentine's Day Giveaway! Go check it out and become a follower of her blog. I HIGHLY recommend it. :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011


The other day, my brothers and I were building with Legos. While we were taking them apart and putting them in piles, I thought there were some cool textures to get pictures of. So I whipped out my camera and took these:

Gotta love playtime. :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Here Goes Nothing!

Well, I decided to try out the whole blogging thing, so we'll see how this goes. ;) Living in the Mid-West, it is really cold this time of year, but very pretty. Right after a fresh blanket of snow, it's the opportune time to get some cool shots.

I think this has to be one of my favorite shots.

The fence around our garden is like an old farm style.

My Momma's rocking chair on the porch.

Winter has it bonuses such as the great shots you can get... even in the below zero temperatures. :) What are your favorite things to take pictures of?