Monday, March 21, 2011

3 Things Monday

Well, hello, Monday! You came way too quickly.

Banana stickers make great forehead decorations. ;)

Strawberries are starting to come back in season

Spring is on it's way!! Everything is melting, turning to slush, and green is starting to pop through! :D (More photos to come soon!)

Bowl, Baby, Bowl

Bowling is not one of the things I'm good at. I usually bowl with bumpers, and this time, we were on the side of the alley without bumpers. So I had to tough it out and put my big girl pants on. ;) The first game we played, I didn't do too bad, with a score of 80 something. The second game, however, I hurt my finger and ended up with only 34. Anyways... while I waited for my turn, I tried to get a couple shots in:

How was everybody's weekend? Did you do anything exciting? :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

3 Things Monday

1. Me and my little brother. He can get rather annoying, but he's still my brother, and I love him. :)

2. My Bible. Some good stuff right there!

3. Ice cream. My personal favorite dairy item. :) haha

Happy Monday!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Piece of History

My Dad inherited this vintage Victrola from his grandparents, my great-grandparents. He's originally from out east, and the family cabin is called "camp". So we found this cool piece in one of the old sheds at camp.

This is the front part that covers the speaker.

Don't you love the dust? ;)

It still actually plays music. It's fun to waltz around with my dad while it plays. :)